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Creeping Jenny or Moneywort, Lysimachia nummularia

Lysimachia nummularia, commonly known as Creeping Jenny or Moneywort, is a versatile and attractive plant that can be grown both in aquariums and in terrestrial environments (e.g., ponds, gardens, or terrariums). It is known for its bright green or golden-yellow leaves and its creeping growth habit. Here’s a detailed care guide to help you grow and maintain this plant:

1. Overview

  • Scientific Name: Lysimachia nummularia
  • Common Name: Creeping Jenny, Moneywort
  • Origin: Europe and North America
  • Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Growth Rate: Fast
  • Light Requirement: Medium to High
  • CO2 Requirement: Not required (but beneficial for submerged growth)

2. Tank or Pond Requirements

  • Tank Size: Suitable for small to large aquariums (10+ gallons) or outdoor ponds.
  • Water Temperature: 60–75°F (15–24°C). It can tolerate slightly cooler or warmer temperatures.
  • pH Level: 6.0–7.5 (slightly acidic to neutral).
  • Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (2–15 dGH).



Lysimachia nummularia, commonly known as Creeping Jenny or Moneywort, is a versatile and attractive plant that can be grown both in aquariums and in terrestrial environments (e.g., ponds, gardens, or terrariums). It is known for its bright green or golden-yellow leaves and its creeping growth habit. Here’s a detailed care guide to help you grow and maintain this plant:

1. Overview

  • Scientific Name: Lysimachia nummularia
  • Common Name: Creeping Jenny, Moneywort
  • Origin: Europe and North America
  • Difficulty Level: Easy
  • Growth Rate: Fast
  • Light Requirement: Medium to High
  • CO2 Requirement: Not required (but beneficial for submerged growth)

2. Tank or Pond Requirements

  • Tank Size: Suitable for small to large aquariums (10+ gallons) or outdoor ponds.
  • Water Temperature: 60–75°F (15–24°C). It can tolerate slightly cooler or warmer temperatures.
  • pH Level: 6.0–7.5 (slightly acidic to neutral).
  • Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (2–15 dGH).


aquascape plants





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