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Sold out!Live Plants & Neutrients, Potted
Aponogeton Crispus
Aponogeton Crispus is a beautiful aquarium plant hailing from Sri Lanka. This aquarium plant features light green leaves that are slightly transparent and large in size. Aponogeton Crispus’s larger size makes it suitable as a background choice in larger planted tanks. This aquatic plant is fairly undemanding but does better when provided with soft, slightly acidic water and a nutrient-dense bottom.
- Do not make drastic changes to the aquarium. Unstable parameters will result in melt and rotting of the aquarium plant.
- Aponogeton grows fairly large making this aquarium plant suitable for larger planted aquariums.
- Please be sure to remove this plant from its lead bunch. Remove the cotton surrounding the roots and plant into a quality substrate. For instructions on how to properly prep “bunched” aquarium plants, click here.
- CO2 injection and quality aquarium soil will yield better growth.
- Please research appropriately to ensure your plant thrives.
Aponogeton Crispus
Family Name: Aponogetonaceae
Origin: Sri Lanka
Height: 12” – 24”+
pH: 5 – 6.5
Care: Easy
Light: Low to High
Co2: Medium
Propagation: Seeds. Self-pollinates.
Growth Rate: Fast
SKU: n/a -
Plants, Tissue Culture Cup
Aquascapeplants Rotala Green
Rotala is a popular aquatic plant in the aquarium hobby, known for its vibrant colors and delicate foliage. Rotala Green, specifically, is a variety that is easier to care for compared to some of its more demanding relatives like Rotala rotundifolia or Rotala indica. Below is a comprehensive guide to help you grow and maintain Rotala Green in your aquarium.
1. Overview of Rotala Green
- Scientific Name: Rotala rotundifolia ‘Green’
- Family: Lythraceae
- Origin: Southeast Asia
- Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
- Growth Rate: Fast
- Light Requirements: Moderate to High
- CO2 Requirements: Low to Medium (benefits from CO2 supplementation)
- Placement: Midground to Background
2. Tank Requirements
- Temperature: 72°F – 82°F (22°C – 28°C)
- pH: 6.0 – 7.5
- Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (2-15 dGH)
- Substrate: Nutrient-rich substrate or root tabs for optimal growth
- Lighting: Moderate to high lighting (2-4 watts per gallon or 40-80 PAR)
- CO2: Not mandatory but recommended for denser growth and vibrant color
SKU: n/a -
Live Plants & Neutrients, Plants, Potted
Bucephalandra Brownie Blue
Size: In pot
Bucephalandra Brownie Blue is one of the most beautiful looking foreground plant that is easy to grow.
Bucephalandra Brownie Blue features oblong leaves with wavy edges that develop a lovely blueish hue after growing underwater. It can be grown submerged or emersed. Similar to other Bucephalandra species, Brownie Blue exhibits its distinct coloration under proper care and when placed under aquarium LED lighting. It’s a superb choice for nano planted tanks or as delicate accents in larger setups. As an epiphytic plant, Bucephalandra sprouts new growth from its rhizome.
Family Name: Araceae
Origin: Borneo
pH: 6-7.5
Skill Level: Easy
Light: Low to Medium
Co2: Not necessary but recommended
Propagation: Cut by rhizome
Growth rate: SlowSKU: n/a -
Sold out!Plants, Potted
Fissidens sp. “Mini Nobilis”
This small Fissidens moss entered the trade as Fissidens nobilis or F. nobilis “Mini” but belongs with certainty not to the much larger, stronger species Fissidens nobilis from Asia. belongs to a different species. It develops about 2 mm broad shoots that are densely set with tiny leaves. With time, it forms thick, fluffy cushions of many shoots.
- Small, filigree Fissidens
- Fine, feather-like structure
- Forms thick, fluffy cushions
- Very rare in trade
SKU: n/a