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    Cryptocoryne Axelrodi

    0 out of 5

    Common Name: Cryptocoryne Axelrodi

    Crypt Axelrodi is a rarer Cryptocoryne species that features narrow leaves, hardy nature and a greenish-brown color. It works great for mid ground plant coverage in planted tanks and is easy to care for. However, we’d recommend that it is not moved like most crypts as this can potentially trigger Crypt melt.

    Like other crypts, Cryptocoryne Axelrodi is great for beginner hobbyists due to its ease in keeping and low care requirements. If grown in good aquarium substrate such as Ultum Nature System Controsoil, the plant can feed through the roots and grow quickly without the need for high light, CO2 or fertilizer dosing. However, the addition of CO2 and good lighting will result in healthier, more robust growth.

    Crypts can be grown emersed or submerged. Propagate by splitting the rhizome or cutting off new growth and replanting

    Difficulty easy
    Usage Midground, Foreground, group
    Growth medium
    pH value 5 – 8
    Temperature tolerance 15 – 28°C
    Carbonate hardness 1 – 18°dKH
    General hardness 0 – 30°dGH
    Propagation Runners, Rhizomteilung, Splitting, cutting off daughter plants
    Can grow emersed? yes
    SKU: n/a
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    Cryptocoryne beckettii “Petchii”

    0 out of 5

    Cryptocoryne beckettii “Petchii” a small variety of Cryptocoryne beckettii from Sri Lanka, which has beautiful, slightly fluted leaf margins, 10-15 cm long. Leaves become dark olive-brown with violet underside. Like many other Cryptocorynes, the leaf colour and shape depends largely on environmental conditions in the aquarium.

    ORIGIN: Sri Lanka
    MAX HEIGHT: 10-15cm
    AREA: Foreground to midground
    LIGHT: Low
    TEMP: 22-28
    CO2: Recommended but not essential
    PH: 5-8
    WATER HARDNESS: Soft to hard

    SKU: n/a
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    Cryptocoryne crispatula

    0 out of 5
    • Time-tested narrow-leaved Crypt
    • Ribbon-shaped bullate leaves
    • Suitable for hard water
    • Forms dense, high-growing groups
    SKU: n/a
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    Cryptocoryne parva Dwarf water trumpet in pot

    0 out of 5

    Cryptocoryne parva is the smallest Crypt. It is native to Sri Lanka where it grows at the edges and in the shallow water of fast flowing rivers. It forms dense, extended lawns with its underground runners. This species forms the hybrid Cryptocoryne x willisii with species from the same area such as C. beckettii. It is known in the aquarium hobby for a long time and belongs to the standard range of the water plant nurseries.

    • The smallest Crypt
    • Forms narrow-leaved cushions or lawns
    • Robust, slow-growing
    Difficulty medium
    Usage Nano tanks, Foreground, group, Foreground, ground cover
    Aquascaping forms a grass-like lawn
    Growth very slow
    pH value 5 – 8
    Temperature tolerance 15 – 28°C
    Carbonate hardness 1 – 18°dKH
    General hardness 0 – 30°dGH
    Propagation Runners, Rhizomteilung, Splitting, cutting off daughter plants
    Can grow emersed? yes
    SKU: n/a
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    Cryptocoryne undulatus red

    0 out of 5

    Cryptocoryne undulatus red is a type of aquarium plant commonly known as the “red wendtii” or “red crypt.” It belongs to the genus Cryptocoryne, which consists of various species known for their stunning appearance and ability to thrive in aquatic environments

    SKU: n/a
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    Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green’

    0 out of 5

    Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green’

    Buy Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green’ in Dubai, Abudhabi, and all over UAE.

    Robust time-tested Crypt

    • Forms dense groups
    • Green to slightly brown hues
    Difficulty easy
    Usage Midground, Foreground, group
    Growth medium
    pH value 5 – 8
    Temperature tolerance 15 – 30°C
    Carbonate hardness 1 – 18°dKH
    General hardness 0 – 30°dGH
    Propagation Runners, Rhizomteilung, Splitting, cutting off daughter plants
    Can grow emersed? yes

    Buy 5 or more for additional discount!

    Buy 10 or more to get super discount!

    SKU: n/a
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    Didiplis diandra in vitro cup

    0 out of 5

    A graceful stem plant from North America that is nice as dense bush planting in the fore- or middle ground. Under water its shoots develop very dense foliage and very narrow leaves. Under good light, the shoot tips assume a reddish colour.

    • Delicate stem plant with dense foliage
    • Bushy and relatively low-growing
    • Bright reddish colour under lots of light
    Difficulty medium
    Usage Midground, Nano tanks, Street (Dutch style), Foreground, group
    Aquascaping well-branched, bushy
    Growth fast
    pH value 5 – 7
    Temperature tolerance 4 – 30°C
    SKU: n/a
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    Echinodorus ‘Aquartica’

    0 out of 5

    This compact, green, low-growing Echinodorus cultivar was developed by the plant breeder Christian Iversen from Aquartica company in Denmark. Under aquarium conditions, it forms a spreading rosette of broadly elliptic, medium green leaves with wavy margin. In stark contrast to the many vigorously growing, large swordplants, it is even suited for the foreground and for nano aquariums as it gets only 10-20 cm. Furthermore it grows quite slowly and contents with only moderate light intensity.
    This plant is mostly delivered in its emersed (terrestrial) stage, with more roundish, longer stalked leaves. Planted into the aquarium, it will develop its typical submerged growth habit.

    • Recommendable low-growing Echinodorus cultivar
    • 10-20 cm tall
    • Medium-green leaves with wavy edge
    • Also suited for the foreground and nano aquariums
    SKU: n/a
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    Echinodorus ‘Red Chameleon’ pot

    0 out of 5

    Echinodorus ‘Red Chameleon’ is an excellent choice to add a new color to your aquarium. Red Chameleon offers an interesting red hue which makes it an extremely sought after aquatic plant. It is one of the more compact and slower growing sword plants allowing it to be planted in midground areas of the aquarium.

    Depending on lighting, colour will vary from Dark/ Red pink

    SKU: n/a
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    Echinodorus Bleheri / Amazon Sword

    0 out of 5
    • Echinodorus is a very hardy species of aquatic plants. Most Echinodorus require nutrient-dense soil to thrive as they are heavy root feeders.
    • Echinodorus grow fairly large and are more suitable for larger planted aquariums.
    • Do not make drastic changes to the aquarium. Unstable parameters will result in melt and rotting of the aquarium plant.
    • Please be sure to remove this plant from its pot. Remove the cotton surrounding the roots and plant into a quality substrate. For instructions on how to properly prep “potted” aquarium plants, click here.
    • CO2 injection and quality aquarium soil will yield better growth.
    • Please research appropriately to ensure your plant thrives.

    Family Name: Alismataceae

    Origin: South America

    Height: 4-20”

    pH: 6.5-7.5

    Care: Easy

    Light: Moderate

    Co2: Not necessary

    Propagation: Adventitious shoots

    Growth rate: Fast

    SKU: n/a
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    Echinodorus Cordifolius ‘Fluitans’

    0 out of 5
    • Large, entirely green solitary plant
    • Elongate, ovate leaves
    • No high demands
    • Comparatively fast growing

    This sword plant is labeled by the nursery Tropica as Echinodorus cordifolius ‘Fluitans’. According to Tropica it originates from Mexico. In contrast to “typical” Echinodorus cordifolius, “Fluitans” does not have roundish, deeply heart-shaped, but elongate, ovate leaves. It does not grow out of the water as readily as several other E. cordifolius forms, making it a well-suited submerged aquarium plant. This Echinodorus forms a lush, about 30-50 cm tall and at least 30 cm wide leaf rosette. The submerged foliage is light to medium green, newly appearing leaves may show slightly reddish tones.

    The plant is mostly delivered in its emersed (terrestrial) form with long stalked aerial leaves, but after planting into the tank shorter stalked submerged leaves will appear, and the older emersed foliage can be cut off. As well as other Echinodorus, it benefits much from nutrient supply by the substrate. There are no special demands on the water chemistry; it grows well in soft to medium hard water with temperatures around 20-28 °C. CO2 supply is not strictly necessary but may enhance its growth. Under favorable conditions inflorescences with adventitious plantlets can be expected. When the young plants are strong enough, they can be cut off and replanted.

    Echinodorus cordifolius “Fluitans” is primarily a solitary plant for the midground to background, due to its size best in larger, spacious, at least 50 cm high aquariums. In contrast to the many red or strikingly spotted Echinodorus hybrid cultivars, it has a natural appearance due to its green coloration.

    SKU: n/a
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    Echinodorus Rose

    0 out of 5

    Echinodorus ‘Red Diamond’ was bred in the Ukraine and is probably a cross between Echinodorus horemanni ‘Red’ and Echinodorus x barthii. The resultant hybrid is an attractive, relatively small plant with ruby-red sword-shaped leaves, 15-25 cm long.

    Unlike many other sword plants, Echinodorus ‘Red Diamond’ remains moderate in size (20-30 cm wide rosette), so it is extremely well suited as a solitary plant, even in small aquariums. Increasing the nutrients in the substrate results in more abundant growth, while favourable light conditions promote the formation of the ruby-red leaves.

    • Red leaves, dark red nerves
    • Narrowly egg-shaped leaves
    • Relatively low
    • Also suitable for small tanks
    Genus Echinodorus
    Difficulty medium
    Usage Background, Midground
    Growth medium
    pH value 5 – 7
    Temperature tolerance 15 – 30°C
    Carbonate hardness 0 – 21°dKH
    General hardness 0 – 30°dGH
    Propagation Proliferating inflorescences, Rhizomteilung
    Can grow emersed? yes
    SKU: n/a
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    Eleocharis vivipara Tall hairgrass

    0 out of 5

    The Tall Hairgrass forms hair-thin long leaves. On the leaf tips, adventitious plants are formed. Eleocharis vivipara is ideal for planting higher “meadows” in the back of the aquascape.

    Difficulty easy
    Usage Background, Midground
    Growth medium
    pH value 4 – 7
    Temperature tolerance 5 – 29°C
    Carbonate hardness 2 – 5°dKH
    General hardness 0 – 30°dGH
    Propagation Proliferating inflorescences, Splitting, cutting off daughter plants
    SKU: n/a
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    Eriocaulon cinereum

    0 out of 5

    Eriocaulon cinereum

    • Small Eriocaulon species
    • Hedgehog-like leaf rosettes
    • Silvery hue when submerged
    • Exotic look


    SKU: n/a
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    Fissidens fontanus “Phoenix Moss” on pad

    0 out of 5
    • Also labeled “Fissidens geppii”
    • Highly decorative aquatic moss
    • Feathery appearance
    • Dark green coloration
    • Also suitable for cold water tanks

    Fissidens fontanus is a delicate feathery dark green aquatic moss clinging to driftwood or rocks with its rhizoids, forming roundish cushions or lawn-like populations. It is also known under the synonym Octodiceras fontanum and in the trade as “Fissidens geppii”. We cultivate two variants of this species, which differ in size when growing in the same environment. The smaller variant is what we call “Phoenix moss”. It develops around 3 to 5 mm long leaflets, is of a somewhat darker green and has an overall more delicate growth habit and looks more compact as it branches more readily than the larger variant.

    Difficulty easy
    Usage Epiphyte (growing on hardscape), Midground, Nano tanks, Foreground, group
    Aquascaping fine-leaved
    Growth medium
    pH value 5 – 7
    Temperature tolerance 4 – 26°C
    Carbonate hardness 0 – 14°dKH
    SKU: n/a
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    Fissidens sp. “Mini Nobilis”

    0 out of 5

    This small Fissidens moss entered the trade as Fissidens nobilis or F. nobilis “Mini” but belongs with certainty not to the much larger, stronger species Fissidens nobilis from Asia. belongs to a different species. It develops about 2 mm broad shoots that are densely set with tiny leaves. With time, it forms thick, fluffy cushions of many shoots.

    • Small, filigree Fissidens
    • Fine, feather-like structure
    • Forms thick, fluffy cushions
    • Very rare in trade

    SKU: n/a
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    Glossostigma elatinoides

    0 out of 5
    • The most popular ground covering plant there is
    • Forms intense green carpets
    • Fast grower

    Glossostigma elatinoides is a very popular plant for Japanese-style tanks. It is one of the smallest aquarium plants, which makes it ideal for the foreground. A difficult-to-care-for plant that needs a lot of light. If the lighting is too weak, it tends to grow upwards. Must not be shaded off by larger plants. When planting, make small tufts (approx. 1/8 of the pot) and plant at a distance of only a few centimetres. Thus you will get a ground-covering group in less time. The injection of CO2 and soft water enhance growth considerably.

    Genus Glossostigma
    Difficulty medium
    Usage Nano tanks, Foreground, group, Foreground, ground cover
    Aquascaping forms a small-leaved carpet
    Growth fast
    pH value 4 – 7
    Temperature tolerance 4 – 30°C
    Carbonate hardness 0 – 14°dKH
    General hardness 0 – 30°dGH
    Propagation Runners, Cuttings, Splitting, cutting off daughter plants
    Can grow emersed? yes
    SKU: n/a
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    Helanthium “quadricostatus” Chain sword

    0 out of 5
    • Bright light green ground cover
    • Height ca. 5-10 cm
    • Fast growing
    • Not demanding

    Also known as Echinodorus magdalenensis and E. quadricostatus. This light green plant is quite undemanding and recommendable as fast growing ground cover. The name “Echinodorus quadricostatus” is a trade name for various varieties of Helanthium bolivianum.

    Genus Helanthium
    Difficulty easy
    Usage Midground, Nano tanks, Foreground, group, Foreground, ground cover
    Aquascaping forms a grass-like lawn
    Growth fast
    pH value 5 – 7
    Temperature tolerance 10 – 30°C
    Carbonate hardness 0 – 14°dKH
    General hardness 0 – 30°dGH
    Propagation Runners
    Can grow emersed? yes
    SKU: n/a
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    Hygrophila balsamica

    0 out of 5

    Hygrophila balsamica

    • Large stem plant with finely divided leaves
    • Light green coloration
    • Bushy growth after trimming
    Genus Hygrophila
    Difficulty easy
    Usage Midground
    Aquascaping fine-leaved
    Growth fast
    pH value 5 – 7
    Temperature tolerance 18 – 30°C
    Carbonate hardness 2 – 12°dKH
    General hardness 0 – 30°dGH
    Propagation Cuttings
    Can grow emersed? yes


    Buy 5 or more for additional discount!

    Buy 10 or more to get super discount!

    SKU: n/a
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    Hygrophila polysperma ‘Rosanervig’

    0 out of 5

    Hygrophila polysperma ‘Rosanervig’

    • Light leaf veins
    • Light green, yellowish to red hues
    • Easy to cultivate
    Difficulty very easy
    Usage Midground
    Aquascaping very colourful plant for accents
    Growth very fast
    pH value 5 – 8
    Temperature tolerance 4 – 35°C
    Carbonate hardness 2 – 21°dKH
    General hardness 0 – 30°dGH
    Propagation Cuttings
    Can grow emersed? yes


    Buy 5 or more for additional discount!

    Buy 10 or more to get super discount!

    SKU: n/a
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    Lace Plant Aponogeton madagascariensis var. henkelianus

    0 out of 5

    Lace Plant Aponogeton madagascariensis var. henkelianus

    • One of the most beautiful Lace plant forms
    • Broad leaves with delicate grid structure
    • Eyecatcher in larger tanks

    This fascinating variant of the Madagascar laceplant is also known as Aponogeton madagascariensis var. henkelianus. It lives up to its name “laceplant” or “laceleaf”: the broad leaves have a delicate grid structure, the leaf tissue is reduced to the thin nerves. The larger perforations are divided by smaller, irregularly arranged connecting nerves. As a solitary plant or small, loose group in the midground or background, Aponogeton madagascariensis “henkelianus” draws all eyes.

    The forms of Aponogeton madagascariensis originate from cool, fast flowing, permanent rivers in Madagaskar. They prefer cooler water below 25 °C, good water movement, CO2 supply and nutrient-rich bottom. Medium lighting is sufficient.

    SKU: n/a
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    Lagenandra meeboldii ‘Bleeding Heart’ in pot

    0 out of 5
    • Unique Lagenandra form
    • Almost black stripes on purplish red ground
    • Also suitable for emersed setups
    SKU: n/a
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    Lilaeopsis brasiliensis Brazilian micro sword

    0 out of 5
    • Grasslike ground covering plant
    • Slow-growing
    • Adaptable

    Lilaeopsis brasiliensis can grow very densely, but it only grows like a lawn under very intensive light. When planting, make small tufts and put them into the ground with a distance of only a few centimetres, as the plants form an uninterrupted lawn more easily this way. The planted area should be without shade so the plants get sufficient light. Also suitable for a garden pond, and it tolerates the low salinity of a brackish water aquarium.

    Genus Lilaeopsis
    Difficulty medium
    Usage Nano tanks, Foreground, group, Foreground, ground cover
    Aquascaping forms a grass-like lawn
    Height 3 – 6cm
    Growth medium
    pH value 6 – 7
    Temperature tolerance 4 – 28°C
    Carbonate hardness 2 – 14°dKH
    General hardness 0 – 30°dGH
    Propagation Runners, Splitting, cutting off daughter plants
    Can grow emersed? yes
    SKU: n/a
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    Limnophila hippuridoides in pot

    0 out of 5

    A beautiful stem plant from the Malayan peninsula, often erroneously called Limnophila aromatica. This strong, fast-growing Limnophila is a true eye-catcher when planted in a group in the middle or background of a tank. Intensive light, a good nutrient and CO2 supply are important for the well-being of this plant.

    Difficulty medium
    Usage Accent (red), Background, Midground
    Aquascaping very colourful plant for accents
    Growth fast
    pH value 6 – 7
    Temperature tolerance 15 – 30°C
    Carbonate hardness 2 – 12°dKH
    General hardness 0 – 30°dGH
    Propagation Cuttings
    Can grow emersed? yes
    SKU: n/a

Showing 73–96 of 136 results




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