Microsorum pteropus ‘Windeløv’, commonly known as Windeløv Java Fern, is a unique and attractive variant of the Java Fern. It is characterized by its finely branched leaf tips, giving it a delicate, lace-like appearance. This plant is hardy and easy to care for, making it a great choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists. Here’s a detailed care guide:
1. Overview
- Scientific Name: Microsorum pteropus ‘Windeløv’
- Common Name: Windeløv Java Fern, Lace Java Fern
- Origin: Cultivated variant (original species from Southeast Asia)
- Difficulty Level: Easy
- Growth Rate: Slow to Moderate
- Light Requirement: Low to Medium
- CO2 Requirement: Not required
2. Tank Requirements
- Tank Size: Suitable for nano tanks (5 gallons) and larger aquariums.
- Water Temperature: 68–82°F (20–28°C).
- pH Level: 6.0–7.5 (slightly acidic to neutral).
- Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (2–15 dGH).
3. Lighting
- Low to Medium Light is sufficient for Windeløv Java Fern.
- Avoid intense lighting, as it can cause algae to grow on the leaves.
- Provide 6–8 hours of light daily.
4. CO2 and Nutrients
- CO2 Injection: Not required, but can promote slightly faster growth.
- Fertilization:
- This plant is not heavy feeder, but occasional dosing of a liquid fertilizer can benefit its growth.
- If the leaves show signs of nutrient deficiency (e.g., yellowing), increase fertilization.
5. Planting and Attachment
- Do not bury the rhizome: Unlike most plants, Java Fern should not be planted in the substrate. Burying the rhizome can cause it to rot.
- Attachment:
- Attach the plant to rocks, driftwood, or other hardscape using fishing line, thread, or super glue (cyanoacrylate gel).
- Over time, the plant’s roots will naturally anchor themselves to the surface.
6. Water Quality and Maintenance
- Perform weekly water changes (20–30%) to maintain water quality.
- Ensure good water circulation to prevent debris from accumulating on the leaves.
7. Common Issues
- Black or Brown Spots on Leaves: This is a natural part of the plant’s reproduction process. Small plantlets will grow from these spots.
- Algae Growth on Leaves: Can occur if lighting is too intense or if the plant is exposed to direct sunlight. Reduce light intensity or duration, and consider adding algae-eating species like Amano shrimp or Nerite snails.
- Yellowing Leaves: May indicate a nutrient deficiency. Increase fertilization or check water parameters.
8. Propagation
- Windeløv Java Fern propagates through rhizome division or plantlets:
- Rhizome Division: Cut the rhizome into sections, ensuring each section has at least 2–3 leaves. Attach the new sections to hardscape.
- Plantlets: Small plantlets will grow from black or brown spots on the leaves. Once they develop roots and a few leaves, they can be detached and attached to a new surface.
9. Tank Mates
- Compatible with most peaceful fish and invertebrates.
- Avoid species that may nibble on the leaves, such as goldfish or some cichlids.
- Ideal tank mates include small tetras, rasboras, shrimp, and snails.
10. Tips for Success
- Avoid frequent handling or moving the plant, as it prefers stable conditions.
- If algae becomes a problem, reduce light intensity or duration and ensure proper nutrient balance.
- Windeløv Java Fern is an excellent choice for low-tech or low-maintenance aquariums.
By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the unique beauty of Windeløv Java Fern in your aquarium.