Video Presentation of our high quality healthy Shrimps
The Yellow shrimp is a robust creature which can adapt to a wide variety of water parameters. It is understood to live on in each difficult and soft water and the pH-fee may be from 6.0 (acidic) to 8.0 (alkaline). The water temperature ought to be saved in the 22-28 °C variety.
The Yellow Shrimp is one of the handiest yellowed colored shrimp in the hobby. It is a selectively bred from the equal wild kind because the Red Cherry Shrimp to attain its yellow coloration. It is favoured through many hobbyists because of its particular shadeation, hardiness and breeding rate. The foundation of the Yellow Shrimp lies in Japan and is a shadeation morph of the wild Neocaridina Heteropoda species. The date in their advent appears to be round 2006 or some years earlier. The Yellow Shrimp become first delivered to different international locations in 2006. The specific breeder who created this colour morph is unknown.