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    Alternanthera reineckii ‘Mini’

    0 out of 5

    Althenanthera reineckii Mini Care Guide:

    Althenanthera reineckii Mini is a stunning aquatic plant prized for its compact growth and vibrant red-purple leaves, making it a favorite for foreground and midground aquascapes. To ensure optimal health and vibrant coloration, follow these care tips:

    1. Lighting: Provide medium to high-intensity lighting (30-50 PAR or more) to enhance its vibrant colors and promote compact growth.

    2. CO2 Requirements: CO2 supplementation is recommended for lush, healthy growth, especially in high-tech aquariums.

    3. Substrate: Use nutrient-rich substrates like aqua soil to support root development and provide essential nutrients.

    4. Water Parameters: Maintain a temperature of 22–28°C (72–82°F), pH between 5.5–7.5, and soft to moderately hard water.

    5. Fertilization: Regular dosing with Easy Life profito liquid fertilizers containing micronutrients and iron will help maintain its vivid hues.

    6. Pruning: Trim regularly to prevent overcrowding and encourage dense, bushy growth.

    Perfect for creating vibrant, low-growing carpets or as a centerpiece in nano tanks, Althenanthera reineckii Mini thrives in well-maintained aquariums. Ideal for aquascapers seeking a bold pop of color and texture in their aquatic setups.


    SKU: n/a
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    Alternanthera rosernavig

    0 out of 5

    Alternanthera reineckii ‘Rosanervig’: A striking aquatic plant,

    Alternanthera reineckii ‘Rosanervig’ is renowned for its vibrant pink-red leaves with distinctive white veining, making it a standout feature in freshwater aquascapes. This midground to background plant thrives under moderate to high lighting and benefits from CO2 supplementation to maintain its vivid coloration and compact growth.

    Ideal for aquascaping, ‘Rosanervig’ adds depth and contrast to planted tanks while creating a visually appealing focal point. It prefers nutrient-rich substrates and regular fertilization with iron and micronutrients to support healthy growth. With proper care, it rewards aquarists with stunning foliage that elevates the aesthetic of any aquarium. A favorite among enthusiasts, Alternanthera reineckii ‘Rosanervig’ combines beauty and functionality, offering shelter and hiding spots for aquatic inhabitants.

    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Bucephalandra kedagang Limited Edition

    0 out of 5

    Bucephalandra kedagang

    • One of the most beautiful Bucephalandras
    • Very dark with a blueish sheen
    • Undulate leaf margin
    • Young leaves are brownish-red
    • Dark red leaf stalks
    Family Araceae
    Genus Bucephalandra
    Difficulty easy
    Colour red brown, wine-red, crimson
    Usage Epiphyte (growing on hardscape), Midground, Nano tanks, Foreground, group
    Growth slow
    pH value 5 – 7
    Temperature tolerance 20 – 26°C
    Carbonate hardness 0 – 10°dKH
    General hardness 0 – 30°dGH
    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Eleocharis acicularis ‘Mini’ Hair Grass

    0 out of 5

    Aquascapeplants Eleocharis acicularis ‘Mini’

    • 3x times more plant quantity than other leading brands..
    • Grows dense
    • Fine leaves gives lawn effect
    • ideal from small to large aquarium
    • Relatively easy to maintain
    • Light green color
    • Grows as runners
    Synonyms Eleocharis sp. ”Belém”
    Family Cyperaceae
    Genus Eleocharis
    Difficulty easy
    Colour light green
    Usage Nano tanks, Foreground, group, Foreground, ground cover

    Order live aquarium aquascapeplants and get free delivery in Dubai, Abudhabi, Sharjah and all other Emirates.


    Buy 5 or more for additional discount!

    Buy 10 or more to get super discount!

    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Eleocharis parvula

    0 out of 5

    Eleocharis parvula

    • 3x times more plant quantity than other leading brands..
    • Forms low-growing fine-leaved lawns
    • Reliable ground cover
    • Light green coloration
    Synonyms Scirpus pumilio Sprengel
    Misapplied names Eleocharis parvula, Eleocaris parvula
    Complete botanical name Eleócharis pusílla R. Br.
    Family Cyperaceae
    Genus Eleocharis
    Difficulty easy
    Colour light green
    Usage Nano tanks, Foreground, group, Foreground, ground cover
    Aquascaping forms a grass-like lawn
    Growth medium
    SKU: n/a
  • Sold out!

    Aquascapeplants Eriocaulon polaris

    0 out of 5

    Eriocaulon polaris

    • 3x times more plant quantity than other leading brands..
    • Rare Eriocaulon
    • Hedgehog-like leaf rosettes
    • Very decorative as accent plant
    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Helanthium tenellum Green

    0 out of 5

    Size: Cup

    Helanthium tenellum is a true lawn effect runner plant.

    • Grass like lawn effect
    • Narrow leaves
    • Foreground plant
    • Intermediate level maintenance
    • Covers foreground fast with runners

    Helanthium tenellum ‘Green’ (Echinodorus tenellus ‘Green’, Pygmy Chain Sword, Green Pygmy Chain Sword)


    Difficulty: Easy

    Type: Rosette plant with stolons (runners)

    Size: 1-7 cm in height

    Position and Usage: Carpet, Lawn and Foreground

    Growth rate: Fast

    Lighting: 3/5 – 5/5

    Temperature: 18 – 35°C

    Water Conditions: pH between 5 to 7.5, Soft to medium soft water (0-14 dKH)

    CO2: Not required but recommended

    Propagation: Runners (Stolons)

    Special Requirements: Nutrient rich substrate, Iron supplementation, Neutral to acidic pH (common in planted aquariums)

    Emersed: Yes – will produce flowers.

    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Helanthium vesuvius

    0 out of 5

    The narrow, tightly spiralling fresh green leaves are pointy and make this Helanthium vesuviusa real eye-catcher. The plant is very decorative as a group or as solitary plant in the middle ground of the aquarium. Under favourable conditions it spreads fast through runners. When cultivated above the waterline, the emerged leaves are almost straight. Only under water it develops its typical spiralling leaves.

    • Very narrow, spiraling leaves
    • Fresh green colour
    • Moderate height
    • Forms runners
    Common names Corkscrew sword
    Synonyms Echinodorus ‘Vesuvius’, Echinodorus bolivianus ‘Vesuvius’, Echinodorus sp. tortifolia
    Complete botanical name Helánthium boliviánum (Rusby) Lehtonen & Myllys
    Family Alismataceae
    Genus Helanthium
    Difficulty easy
    Usage Background, Midground, Nano tanks
    Growth fast
    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘cuba’

    0 out of 5

    Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba’, commonly known as Dwarf Baby Tears, is a highly sought-after aquatic plant among aquarists.

    Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba’ Overview

    Common Name: Dwarf Baby Tears

    Scientific Name: Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba’

    Family: Scrophulariaceae

    Origin: Cuba


    Leaves: Tiny, round, and bright green, forming a lush carpet

    Height: Grows up to 3 cm (1.2 inches)

    Growth Rate: Slow to moderate, depending on conditions

    Care Requirements

    Lighting: High intensity to maintain its compact growth and vibrant color

    CO2: Beneficial for optimal growth, especially in high-light setups

    Water Parameters:

    • pH: 5.0 to 7.5
    • Hardness: Soft to moderately hard water
    • Temperature: 21 to 28 °C (70 to 82 °F)


    Prefers nutrient-rich substrates to support healthy growth.


    Propagated by cutting the stems and replanting the cuttings. It spreads quickly to form a dense carpet.

    Special Considerations

    • Requires stable water conditions and regular maintenance to prevent algae growth.
    • Ideal for foreground planting in both small and large aquariums.

    Hemianthus callitrichoides ‘Cuba’ is perfect for creating a stunning, green carpet in your aquarium, making it a favorite among aquascapers. Happy aquascaping!

    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Hydrocotyle tripartita

    0 out of 5

    Hydrocotyle tripartita

    • 3x times more plant quantity than other leading brands..
    • Forms creeping or overhanging shoots
    • Pretty leaf form
    • Fresh light green colour
    • Can be used in many different ways
    • One of the most popular plants in aquascaping
    Synonyms Hydrocotyle sp. ”Australia”, Hydrocotyle sp. ”Japan”
    Misapplied names Hydrocotyle maritima
    Family Araliaceae
    Genus Hydrocotyle
    Difficulty easy
    Usage Midground, Nano tanks, Foreground, group, Foreground, ground cover
    Growth very fast
    pH value 5 – 7
    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Hygrophila pinnatifida

    0 out of 5

    Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu are the states in India where Hygrophila pinnatifida is commonly found. However in the books its origin is from North India state of India, Uttar Pradesh.

    • 3x times more plant quantity than other leading brands..
    • Artistic leave pattern
    • To artistic to be believed real
    • Can be planted in soil or attached to the hardscape
    • Relatively easy to grow and care
    Synonyms Nomaphila pinnatifida Dalzell, Cardanthera pinnatifida (Dalzell) Benth. ex C.B.Clarke .
    Complete botanical name Hygróphila pinnatífida (Dalzell) Sreem.
    Family Acanthaceae
    Genus Hygrophila
    Difficulty medium
    Usage Epiphyte (growing on hardscape), Semi-emersed plant for open tanks, Midground, Foreground, group
    Height 5 – 40cm
    Width 10 – 30cm
    Growth medium

    Buy 5 or more for additional discount!

    Buy 10 or more to get super discount!

    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Hygrophila siamensis 53B

    0 out of 5

    Hygrophila corymbosa ‘Siamensis 53B’ is a variant of Hygrophila corymbosa ‘Siamensis’. This Hygrophila ‘Siamensis 53B’ forms an incredible amount of side shoots and becomes bushy relatively rapidly. Stems becomes 15-40 cm tall and 7-12 cm wide

    • Intensively branching
    • Light green
    • Narrower leaves than regular ‘Siamensis’
    • Undemanding
    • Fast growing


    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Marsilea crenata

    0 out of 5
    • 3x times more plant quantity than other leading brands..
    • Forms very small leaves
    • Submersed leaves are roundish, on a stalk
    • Forms a 1-3 cm high and close carpet
    • New leafes with brown color
    Complete botanical name Marsílea crenáta C. Presl
    Family Marsileaceae
    Genus Marsilea
    Usage Foreground, ground cover
    Aquascaping forms a small-leaved carpet
    General hardness 0 – 30°dGH
    Propagation Runners, Splitting, cutting off daughter plants
    Can grow emersed? yes
    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Marsilea hirsuta

    0 out of 5

    Mostly found in Australia Marsilea hirsuta is a slow growing plant but with addition of co2 in aquariums it can grow and spread fast thanks to its runner shoots. Mostly the leaves looks four leaved clover but with time and water condition the leaves might change to two or three clover.

    • 3x times more plant quantity than other leading brands..
    • New leaves are brown in color making to look a flower
    • Grows as close carpet with 2cm high
    • Most robust carpeting plant
    Common names Hansen’s Nardoo
    Synonyms Marsilea azorica Launert & Paiva
    Complete botanical name Marsílea hirsúta R. Br.
    Family Marsileaceae
    Genus Marsilea
    Usage Foreground, ground cover
    Aquascaping forms a small-leaved carpet
    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Pogostemon erectus

    0 out of 5

    Pogostemon erectus is a dense growing plant with needle type leaves, originating from India.

    • Compact growth patter
    • Needle type leaves
    • Ideal for nano tanks
    • Green lush color
    Synonyms Dysophylla erecta Dalzell, Eusteralis erecta (Dalzell) Panigrahi
    Complete botanical name Pogostémon eréctus (Dalzell) Kuntze
    Family Lamiaceae
    Genus Pogostemon
    Difficulty medium
    Usage Background
    Aquascaping fine-leaved
    Growth fast
    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Pogostemon helferi

    0 out of 5

    Size: Cup

    Pogostemon helferi: The Star of Your Aquascape

    Description: Introducing Pogostemon helferi, also known as Downoi, an exquisite aquatic plant celebrated for its unique star-shaped leaves and compact growth. This plant is a fantastic choice for creating a dynamic and visually appealing underwater garden.

    Key Features:

    • Distinctive Appearance: Known for its curled, bright green leaves that form a rosette shape, adding a striking visual element to any tank.
    • Ideal for Aquascaping: Perfect for foreground planting, providing a textured contrast to other plants and enhancing the overall aesthetics of your aquarium.
    • Hardy and Versatile: Adapts well to various water conditions (pH 6.0-7.5, temperature 20-28°C), making it suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarists.
    • Easy Propagation: Spreads through runners, allowing you to easily propagate and create a lush carpet effect in your tank.
    • Available in the UAE: Readily accessible for aquarium enthusiasts in the United Arab Emirates, ensuring you can effortlessly add this stunning plant to your collection.
    Common names Downoi
    Synonyms Anuragia helferi (Hook. f.) Raizada, Dysophylla helferi Hook. f., Eusteralis helferi (Hook. f.) Panigrahi
    Complete botanical name Pogostémon hélferi (Hook. f.) Press
    Family Lamiaceae
    Genus Pogostemon
    Difficulty medium
    Usage Epiphyte (growing on hardscape), Midground, Nano tanks, Foreground, group
    Growth medium
    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Rotala Bonsai

    0 out of 5

    Rotala Bonsai is a trade name for the originally known plant Rotala Indica. Rotala Bonsai can be easily identified among other Rotala by it flowers. Rotala Indica/ Rotala Bonsai is very suited in nano aquariums thanks to its smaller leaves. The round leaves looks best when its planted together in large portions.

    In bigger tank Rotala Bonsai can be planted in larger groups.

    Common names Indian toothcup
    Synonyms Ameletia indica (Willd.) DC.
    Misapplied names Ammania sp. ”Bonsai”, Ammannia sp. ”Bonsai”
    Trader names Ammania bonsai
    Complete botanical name Rotála índica (Willd.) Koehne
    Family Lythraceae
    Genus Rotala
    Difficulty medium
    Usage Midground, Nano tanks, Street (Dutch style), Foreground, group
    Growth medium
    pH value 5 – 7

    Rotala Bonsai: A compact and visually appealing aquatic plant, Rotala Bonsai is a favorite among aquascapers for its neatly rounded leaves and bushy growth habit. Perfect for midground or foreground placement, this plant adds structure and a pop of vibrant green or reddish hues to freshwater aquariums.

    Rotala Bonsai thrives under moderate to high lighting and benefits from CO2 supplementation for optimal coloration and dense growth. Its slow-to-moderate growth rate makes it easy to maintain, requiring occasional trimming to maintain its shape and encourage healthy growth.

    Ideal for nano tanks and intricate aquascapes, Rotala Bonsai is versatile, adapting well to various aquascaping styles. With its unique appearance and ease of care, this plant brings a touch of elegance and natural beauty to any planted aquarium setup.

    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Rotala Green

    0 out of 5

    Rotala is a popular aquatic plant in the aquarium hobby, known for its vibrant colors and delicate foliage. Rotala Green, specifically, is a variety that is easier to care for compared to some of its more demanding relatives like Rotala rotundifolia or Rotala indica. Below is a comprehensive guide to help you grow and maintain Rotala Green in your aquarium.

    1. Overview of Rotala Green

    • Scientific Name: Rotala rotundifolia ‘Green’
    • Family: Lythraceae
    • Origin: Southeast Asia
    • Difficulty: Easy to Moderate
    • Growth Rate: Fast
    • Light Requirements: Moderate to High
    • CO2 Requirements: Low to Medium (benefits from CO2 supplementation)
    • Placement: Midground to Background

    2. Tank Requirements

    • Temperature: 72°F – 82°F (22°C – 28°C)
    • pH: 6.0 – 7.5
    • Water Hardness: Soft to moderately hard (2-15 dGH)
    • Substrate: Nutrient-rich substrate or root tabs for optimal growth
    • Lighting: Moderate to high lighting (2-4 watts per gallon or 40-80 PAR)
    • CO2: Not mandatory but recommended for denser growth and vibrant color
    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Rotala macrandra Japan

    0 out of 5

    Rotala macrandra also known as giant red rotala is a beautiful red stem plant with distinctive wavy leaves.

    • Red color stem plant
    • Have distinctive wavy leaves
    • Great contrast with green plants
    common names Giant Red Rotala
    Complete botanical name Rotála macrándra Koehne
    Family Lythraceae
    Genus Rotala
    Difficulty medium
    Usage Accent (red), Background, Midground, Street (Dutch style)
    Aquascaping very colourful plant for accents
    Growth fast
    pH value 4 – 7

    Rotala macrandra Japan: The Aquatic Jewel for Your Aquarium

    Description: Elevate the beauty of your aquarium with Rotala macrandra Japan, a stunning aquatic plant known for its vibrant red and pink hues. This plant is perfect for creating a striking focal point in your tank and is favored by aquarists for its eye-catching appearance.

    Key Features:

    • Vibrant Colors: Boasts striking red and pink foliage that adds a pop of color to any aquarium setup.
    • Ideal for Aquascaping: Its delicate, fine leaves create a beautiful contrast with other plants, making it perfect for detailed aquascapes.
    • Moderate Care: Thrives in well-maintained aquariums with high light levels and CO2 supplementation, making it suitable for intermediate to experienced aquarists.
    • Growth: Grows best in nutrient-rich substrates and benefits from regular pruning to maintain its shape and promote bushier growth.
    • Available in the UAE: Easily accessible for aquarium enthusiasts in the United Arab Emirates, ensuring you can add this exquisite plant to your collection.

    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Rotala Vietnam H’ra

    0 out of 5

    As the name suggested H’ra, Rotala was discovered in H’ra central Vietnam.

    • Rotalal Vietnam H’ra is also know as Rotala sp. Gia Lai
    • Orange, reddish and green leaves
    • Busy growth


    Synonyms Rotala sp. “Gia Lai”, Rotala sp. “H’Ra”
    Complete botanical name Rotála rotundifólia (Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) Koehne
    Family Lythraceae
    Genus Rotala
    Difficulty easy
    Usage Background, Midground
    Aquascaping very colourful plant for accents
    Height 20 – 80cm
    Width 2 – 4cm
    Growth fast

    Buy 5 or more for additional discount!

    Buy 10 or more to get super discount!

    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Rotala wallichii

    0 out of 5

    Aquascapeplants Rotala wallichii is a fine tiny leave plant with pink to red leaves. The plant is looks best when planted in bunch.

    • Very fine delicate leaves
    • Reddish-brown to pink colours
    • Very nice in a large group
    • Complete botanical name Rotála wallíchii (Hook. f.) Koehne
      Family Lythraceae
      Genus Rotala
      Difficulty difficult
      Usage Accent (red), Background, Midground, Nano tanks
      Aquascaping fine-leaved, very colourful plant for accents
      Growth fast
      pH value 5 – 7
      Temperature tolerance 15 – 30°C


    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Staurogyne repens

    0 out of 5

    Staurogyne repens is very popular in aquascaping as it grows as dense bush or also can be used for carpeting.

    • Bushy growth
    • Can be used for carpeting
    Synonyms Ebermaiera repens Nees
    Complete botanical name Staurogyne répens (Nees) Kuntze
    Family Acanthaceae
    Genus Staurogyne
    Difficulty medium
    Usage Midground, Nano tanks, Foreground, group, Foreground, ground cover
    Aquascaping well-branched, bushy
    Growth medium
    pH value 5 – 7
    create seo optimised description for Staurogyne repens

    Staurogyne repens: The Perfect Ground Cover for Aquascapes

    Description: Enhance your aquarium with the lush green foliage of Staurogyne repens. This low-growing aquatic plant is a favorite among aquarists for creating a vibrant, carpet-like effect in tanks. Its hardy nature and attractive appearance make it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced hobbyists.

    Key Features:

    • Compact Growth: Forms dense clusters that spread horizontally, creating a lush, green carpet that enhances the visual appeal of your aquarium.
    • Hardy and Adaptable: Thrives in various water conditions (pH 6.0-7.5, temperature 20-28°C), making it easy to care for and suitable for a wide range of tank setups.
    • Easy Propagation: Propagates quickly through stem cuttings, allowing you to expand your plant coverage effortlessly.
    • Aesthetic Appeal: Provides a natural, beautiful foreground or midground cover, complementing other plants and decorations in your aquascape.
    • Available in the UAE: Readily accessible for aquarium enthusiasts in the United Arab Emirates, ensuring you can easily add this stunning plant to your collection.
    SKU: n/a
  • Sold out!

    Aquascapeplants Taxiphyllum sp. “Flame Moss”

    0 out of 5

    Flame moss is found in mostly all east Asian countries and is very popular in the aquascaping industry as it grows upright with spiral effect.

    Family Hypnaceae
    Genus Taxiphyllum
    Difficulty easy
    Usage Epiphyte (growing on hardscape), Nano tanks
    Growth slow
    pH value 5 – 8
    Temperature tolerance 12 – 30°C
    SKU: n/a

Showing 1–24 of 51 results




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