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Aquascape Essentials, Plants, Plant Fertilizers
ADA Green Gain Plus 50ml
0 out of 5(0)Size:50ml
GREEN GAIN PLUS is a plant supplement, primarily composed of phytohormones derived from seaweed, trace elements and amino acids. Its advanced formula also contains boron, which encourages the growth of new buds. GREEN GAIN PLUS boosts plant resistance to disease by easing stress from pruning or environmental degradation, and enhances the growth of new young buds.
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Sold out!Plants, Potted
Aquascapeplants Pogostemon erectus
0 out of 5(0)Size: Pot
Pogostemon erectus was originally collected for agriculture in western Maharashtra a state in India, and recently started to be used in aquariums.
- Light green leaves
- Bushy growth
- pointed, neadle like leaves
- sharp vertical growth
Synonyms Dysophylla erecta Dalzell, Eusteralis erecta (Dalzell) Panigrahi Family Lamiaceae Genus Pogostemon Difficulty medium Usage Background Aquascaping fine-leaved Growth fast Buy 5 or more for additional discount!
Buy 10 or more to get super discount!
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Sold out!Plants, Potted
Aquascapeplants Bucephalandra Deep Blue on rock
0 out of 5(0)Size: On rock
Bucephalandra Deep Blue is a easy to grow plants with leaves upto 4cm. Bucephalandra Deep Blue is a very easy to keep plants and can coup-up with poor water conditions. The plant can develop its best color look if supplied with nutrient, co2 and medium light.
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