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    Rotala wallichii Whorly Rotala

    0 out of 5

    A fine-leaved, relatively small, reddish to pink rather demanding stem plant. It is most decorative when planted in a group of many stems. It is also suitable as foreground plant and for smaller tanks, given that it is trimmed at the right time. The addition of CO2 enhances growth significantly. It prefers soft slightly acidic water.

    • Very fine delicate leaves
    • Reddish-brown to pink colours
    • Very nice in a large group
    Difficulty difficult
    Usage Accent (red), Background, Midground, Nano tanks
    Aquascaping fine-leaved, very colourful plant for accents
    Growth fast
    pH value 5 – 7
    Temperature tolerance 15 – 30°C
    Carbonate hardness 0 – 12°dKH
    General hardness 0 – 30°dGH
    Propagation Cuttings
    Can grow emersed? yes
    SKU: n/a
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    Sagittaria subulata

    0 out of 5
    • Grasslike fore- and middleground plant
    • Forms dense groups
    • Undemanding
    • Can be used in many different ways

    Sagittaria subulata arrowhead is an undemanding grass-like plant for the middle- and background that soon forms dense groups thanks to its underground runners. It may be a bit unpredictable, as it may form a quite short lawn with lots of light and limited nutrient supply, however it develops 30 cm long leaves when the population gets dense and macronutrient supply is good. The submerged leaves are strap-shaped and up to 5 mm wide. In the aquarium it can grow a long flower stalk if the conditions are good. Its small white flowers will open outside the water.

    Genus Sagittaria
    Difficulty very easy
    Usage Background, Midground
    Aquascaping forms a grass-like lawn
    Growth fast
    pH value 5 – 9
    Temperature tolerance 4 – 30°C
    Carbonate hardness 2 – 30°dKH
    General hardness 0 – 30°dGH
    Propagation Runners
    Can grow emersed? yes
    SKU: n/a
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    Salvinia auriculata in cup

    0 out of 5
    • Rarely available
    • Attractive floater from tropical Asia
    • Under optimal conditions hood-like leaf shape

    The “Asian watermoss” is also known as Salvinis cucullata is a very attractive floating fern species from tropical Asia where it occurs in sunny, still waters. Asian water moss  is rarely available in trade and also not very well known among aquarium hobbyists.
    Optimal growth conditions provided – plenty of light, rather high temperatures and nutrient-rich water – this Salvinia develops an interesting look with hood-like, rolled up leaves. It is scientifically named after that structure (from latin cucullus, cone or hood). With its side branches, the plant develops a dense floating mat with a comb-like look.

    SKU: n/a
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    Schismatoglottis prietoi

    0 out of 5
    • New aquarium plant from the Philippines
    • Still rarely available
    • Excellent aquarium suitability
    • Small light green, elliptic leaves

    Schismatoglottis prietoi is a small aroid that is perfectly suitable as aquarium plant. This Schismatoglottis is a quite new species for science as well as for the aquarium hobby. It is native to the Philippines and was first found on Cebu Island. It was scientifically described and named in honour of its discoverer, Esquerion Prieto, in 2015. It grows largely submerged in nature and develops large stands in sandy to gravelly riverbeds by its runners, comparable to Cryptocoryne species. Its small, elliptic, glossy leaves resemble those of Anubias ‘Petite’ but are lighter green, the plant also grows faster than this Anubias.

    This small rhizome plant is planted into the ground. There are reports that it can be used as an epiphyte on rock, however, in contrast to Schismatoglottis roseospatha and Anubias, it does not attach itself to solid materials by adhesive roots. Its roots may anchor in porous materials such as lava rock, otherwise they grow in loose substrate as it is known from e.g. Cryptocoryne. Schismatoglottis roseospatha has no special demands and grows with low to high carbonate hardness, a pH value of about 6 – 8 and temperatures between about 20 and 28 °C. However, medium lighting and a good nutrient supply, also via the substrate, are very beneficial. The growth may be quite slow in the beginning but accelerates after establishing. With time, this Schismatoglottis forms a dense, broad stand. It is easily propagating by splitting and separating of young plantlets.

    This new aquarium plant deserves wide spread in the aquarium hobby and can be used in many ways, best as group in the foreground to midground of an aquarium. In “geographically correct” Asia-themed tanks it is a right replacement for similar Anubias forms, originating from Africa.

    SKU: n/a
  • Selaginella Erythropus Ruby Red Club Moss

    0 out of 5

    Selaginella erythropus sanguinea also known as Ruby Red Club Moss is a spectacular looking moss with red and green contrasting colors. Ruby red moss is perfect choice for vivariums and aqua terrarium setups. When ideal condition for the plant the Ruby red moss will have ruby red color underside and contrasting with dark green color on the surface.

    Ruby Red Moss needs shaded area with high humidity.

    Kindly note that the Ruby red moss is not an aquarium plants and should be always grown emerged.


    SKU: n/a
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    Selaginella wildenowii moss

    0 out of 5

    Selaginella are evergreen rhizomatous, mat-forming perennials. They may be small and tufted, or tall and scrambling, with slender stems covered with small scale-like leaves – often fernlike. They develop spores in short terminal spikes. There are many different varieties, and they vary hugely in size, and in the way they grow. Most like high humidity. Willdenow’s spikemoss changes colour depending on the light, from greens to blue-greens

    This is a land moss to be grown immersed and not recommended for under water.

    SKU: n/a
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    Spathiphyllum Wallisii for terrarium/ aquarium surface

    0 out of 5

    Our Spathiphyllum Wallisii plant is not regular house plant. The plant is adopted to grow its roots in water without any soil. The plant can be best used to the surface of the aquarium so it can draw nutrients form water. The plant can also be used in terrariums.

    SKU: n/a
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    Staurogyne repens

    0 out of 5

    Staurogyne repens

    • Can be used as bush or compact carpet
    • Slow grower
    • Ideal to be placed between rocks
    • Most popular aquascaping plants
    Synonyms Ebermaiera repens Nees
    Complete botanical name Staurogyne répens (Nees) Kuntze
    Family Acanthaceae
    Genus Staurogyne
    Difficulty medium
    Usage Midground, Nano tanks, Foreground, group, Foreground, ground cover
    Aquascaping well-branched, bushy
    Growth medium
    pH value 5 – 7
    SKU: n/a
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    Vallisneria americana

    0 out of 5

    Vallisneria americana

    • Also known as Vallisneria gigantea and V. americana “Gigantea”
    • Very long, broad, ribbon-shaped leaves
    • Green to reddish coloration
    • Undemanding plant for large tanks
    • Useful to create a jungle-like atmosphere
    Genus Vallisneria
    Difficulty easy
    Growth fast
    pH value 6 – 8
    Temperature tolerance 4 – 32°C
    Carbonate hardness 2 – 21°dKH
    Propagation Runners
    Can grow emersed? no

    We make sure all our live stock are kept with highest living standards with proper aquarium water care. Our fishes are quarantined before they are introduced to the store display aquariums. We make sure we sell healthy live fish and not parasites.




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    SKU: n/a
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    Vallisneria Americana Var Rubra

    0 out of 5

    Type – Stolon

    Origin – Asia

    Growth Rate – High

    Height – 20-30+cm

    Light Demand – Low

    CO2 – Low

    Buy Vallisneria Americana Var Rubra online at aquascape.ae

    SKU: n/a
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    Vallisneria spiralis ‘Red’

    0 out of 5

    aquascape plants

    Vallisneria spiralis “Red” is a hardy plant suitable for the beginner hobbyist. It makes little demands in the aquarium and can grow fast when conditions are optimal. It also looks the best and adapts the most out of all other Vallis

    Family Hydrocharitaceae
    Genus Vallisneria
    Type Stolon
    Origins Can be found in tropical and sub-tropical regions worldwide.
    Color Green
    Placement Background
    Dificulty Easy
    Growth Rate Fast
    Lighting Low
    Size 30 – 50 cm
    CO2 Low
    SKU: n/a
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    Vallisneria spiralis Torta

    0 out of 5

    Vallisneria spiralis Torta

    • Small corkscrew Vallisneria
    • About 20 cm high
    • Interesting accent in the midground and foreground
    • Also suitable for nano aquariums
    • Easy propagation by runners


    SKU: n/a
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    Vesicularia dubyana Java Moss (in bag,per 20gm)

    0 out of 5

    Vesicularia dubyana Java Moss

    • Undemanding aquarium moss
    • Ramified growth
    • Resembling a forest moss
    • Attaches well to the substate
    SKU: n/a
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    Water Star Pogostemon stellatus

    0 out of 5

    Water Star Pogostemon stellatus

    • Fine-leaved large stem plant
    • Reddish-purple to orange colours
    • Eyecatcher for plant
    Family Lamiaceae
    Genus Pogostemon
    Difficulty difficult
    Usage Background, Midground
    Growth fast
    pH value 5 – 7
    Temperature tolerance 15 – 32°C
    Carbonate hardness 1 – 18°dKH
    General hardness 0 – 30°dGH
    Propagation Cuttings
    Can grow emersed? yes
    SKU: n/a
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    Weeping moss in a bag

    0 out of 5

    Weeping moss (Vesicularia ferriei) is an aquatic plant commonly found in aquariums1. It is known for its distinctive downward-sloping growth pattern, which gives it a weeping or cascading appearance123. This plant has become popular in aquascaping due to its attractive deep green color and fine texture1. Weeping moss typically grows to a height of approximately one inch.

    Weeping moss belongs to the family Hypnaceae and is a pleurocarpous plant3. It does not have true roots but rather uses rhizoids to attach itself to surfaces like driftwood or rocks3. It can thrive in a range of lighting conditions, from low to bright light levels, although it will grow faster with moderate light levels1. This moss can also benefit from added fertilizers and CO2 supplements to promote healthy growth.

    Overall, weeping moss is a hardy aquatic plant that can add visual interest to aquariums and aquatic setups

    To care for weeping moss, you need to consider the following requirements:

    • Lighting: Weeping moss can survive in low to bright light environments but will grow faster with moderate light levels.
    • Water quality: It thrives in temperatures ranging from 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH of 5.0 to 6.0. A frequent water flow around the aquarium is necessary to sustain proper growth by continuous circulation of nutrients to all parts of the aquarium.
    • Aquarium setup: Weeping moss doesn’t require specialty aquarium lights but needs to be attached to driftwood or rock for proper growth. It doesn’t have true roots but anchors itself with rhizoids.
    • Nutrient supply: Weeping moss can survive without supplements and fertilizers, but it’s beneficial to add fertilizers and CO2 supplements to promote healthy growth.

    Weeping moss is a hardy plant that’s relatively easy to maintain but requires a keen eye for proper care.

    SKU: n/a
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    Aquascapeplants Micranthemum Monte carlo

    0 out of 5

    Aquascapeplants Micranthemum ‘Monte carlo’ grows compact close to the ground, making it one of the most use carpeting plant.

    • Nice plant for foreground cover
    • Relatively less demanding
    • Forms compact lush growth
    • Can be grown overhanging
    • Can form a carpet layer upto 4cm
    Common names Tweedie’s pearlweed, Montecarlo pearlweed, New Large Pearl Grass, Bacopita
    Synonyms Micranthemum sp. ”Montecarlo-3”, Micranthemum sp. ”Montecarlo”, Micranthemum sp. ”Monte Carlo”
    Misapplied names Elatine hydropiper, Bacopa sp. ”Parana-í Guazú”, Hemianthus sp. ”Parana-í Guazú”
    Complete botanical name Micránthemum tweediei Benth.
    Family Linderniaceae
    Genus Micranthemum
    Difficulty easy
    Colour light green

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    SKU: n/a

Showing 121–136 of 136 results




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